It’s not just two days after Christmas and five days to New Years…

It’s also Oregon Sunshine’s BIRTHDAY!!!

Happy Birthday, and may all your pony/goat/chicken dreams come true this year! If I can keep from blowing away, your fence will be up/moved/”fixed” and your electrical run by the end of the day tomorrow.

Now sit back and enjoy your day!

[EDIT: This was scheduled to go up at midnight, but auto-post failed me horribly. Sorry, it was supposed to be more timely.]

1827 days

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In a few hours I will have completed thirty-five trips around the sun. This isn’t a tremendous accomplishment, for the most part I was just along for the ride and hanging on for dear life; and based on the average maximum age of the men on both sides of my family, I’ve got about ninety years in me, so I’m still a decade away from half way there.

Still, a friend of mine pointed out a few days ago that thirty-five is “the age when even the elderly don’t think you’re young anymore.” That kind of hit me.

Birthdays Past and a list for the future…

Happy Birthday!…

…to Oregon Sunshine. She turns thirty-something-young years old today. It generally sucks to have a birthday so close to a major gift holiday, as everyone just did the whole “I bought you stuff” thing and merriment fatigue seems to set in…

But not this year! We’ve got fun things on tap, her favorite dinner on the menu, and she’s planning a day-long horse movie marathon with the girls (and Dude if they can drag him away from the computer).

So to her I say, “I wish you a wonderful, peaceful, restful, and enjoyable birthday. Now sit back, relax, and leave the rest of the day to us.”

I love you, you deserve a day off your feet and not worrying about anything other than what fun thing to do next.

A Minor Update and a Major Wish

First, the unimportant bit:

We’re finally here in Atlanta, weather isn’t that bad, the new office is nice and I’m as busy as I’ve ever been.

Second, the very important bit:

A big wish for a very happy birthday goes out to to Tiffany at Snerkology.  I’ve been reading her blog frequently for what is starting to feel like many years.  Tiffany is great at many things, not the least of which are amusing anecdotes about life and craziness; but she also excels at photography, and describing delicious food and how to make it, and delightful twitter moments that make me snerk-out-loud in airport terminals at inappropriate times.

What I find so delightful about Tiffany is that she writes in such a way that I always come away from her posts absolutely convinced that her and her husband would be exactly the kind of people I’d want to hang out with.  And her sense of humor.  It cuts like a wicked blade both ways, especially in 140 character chunks.  The world needs more of that when it’s done with so much aplomb and grace.  And snerk.

I admit that had it not been for an announcement by TB I wouldn’t have known the significance of today, and I can only guess at her age, but based on the freshness of her life outlook and the photographic evidence, I can only assume she’s turning 29 today. Again 😉

Wonderful wishes going out to Tiffany and her husband as they wander through Maine on vacation and enjoy a special day.